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![]() TM 9-2330-326 -14&P
The following procedures for servicing brakes are
3. Procedures for Servicing Brakes.
recommended to reduce exposure to non-asbestos ?ber
a. Enclose the brake assembly within a negative pressure
dust, a cancer and lung disease hazard. Material Safety
enclosure. The enclosure should be equipped with a HEPA
Data Sheets are available from ArvinMeritor.
vacuum and w orker arm sleeves. With the enclosure in place,
use the HEPA vacuum to loosen and vacuum residue from the
Hazard Summary
brake parts.
Most recently manufactured brake linings do not contain asbestos ?bers.
b. As an alternative procedure, use a catch basin with water and a
These brake linings may contain one or more of a variety of ingredients,
including glass ?bers, mineral wool, aramid ?bers, ceramic ?bers and
biodegradable, non-phosphate, water-based detergent to wash
silica that can present health risks if inhaled. Scientists disagree on the
the brake drum or rotor and other brake parts. The solution
should be applied with low pressure to prevent dust from
extent of the risks from exposure to these substances. Nonetheless,
exposure to silica dust can cause silicosis, a non-cancerous lung
becoming airborne. Allow the solution to ?ow between the brake
disease. Silicosis gradually reduces lung capacity and ef?ciency and can
drum and the brake support or the brake rotor and caliper. The
result in serious breathing dif ?culty. Some scientists believe other types
wheel hub and brake assembly components should be
thoroughly wetted to suppress dust before the brake shoes or
of non-asbestos ?bers, when inhaled, can cause similar diseases of the
lung. In addition, silica dust and ceramic ?ber dust are known to the
brake pads are removed. Wipe the brake parts clean with a cloth.
State of California to cause lung cancer. U.S. and international agencies
have also determined that dust from mineral wool, ceramic ?bers and
c. If an enclosed vacuum system or brake washing equipment is not
available, carefully clean the brake parts in the open air. Wet the
silica are potential causes of cancer.
parts with a solution applied with a pump -spray bottle that creates
a ?ne mist. Use a solution containing water, and, if available, a
Accordingly, workers must use caution to avoid creating and breathing
biodegradable, non-phosphate, water-based detergent. The
dust when servicing brakes. Speci?c recommended work practices for
wheel hub and brake assembly components should be
reducing exposure to non-asbestos dust follow. Consult your employer
thoroughly wetted to suppress dust before the brake shoes or
for more details.
brake pads are removed. Wipe the brake parts clean with a cloth.
Recommended Work Practices
d. Wear a respirator equipped with a HEPA ?lter approved by
1. Separate Work Areas. Whenever feasible, service brakes in a
NIOSH or MSHA when grinding or machining brake linings. In
addition, do such work in an area with a local exhaust ventilation
separate area away from other operations to reduce risks to
system equipped with a HEPA ?lter.
unprotected persons.
2. Respiratory Protection. OSHA has set a maximum allowable level of
e. NEVER use compressed air by itself, dry brushing, or a vacuum
not equipped with a HEPA ?lter when cleaning brake parts or
exposure for silica of 0.1 mg/m as an 8-hour time-weighted average.
assemblies. NEVER use carcinogenic solvents, ?ammable
Some manufacturers of non-asbestos brake linings recommend that
solvents, or solvents that can damage brake components as
exposures to other ingredients found in non-asbestos brake linings
wetting agents.
be kept below 1.0 f/cc as an 8-hour time-weighted average.
Scientists disagree, however, to what extent adherence to these
4. Cleaning Work Areas. Clean work areas with a vacuum equipped
maximum allowable exposure levels will eliminate the risk of disease
with a HEPA ?lter or by wet wiping. NEVER use compressed air or
that can result from inhaling non-asbestos dust.
dry sweeping to clean work areas. When you empty vacuum
cleaners and handle used rags, wear a respirator equipped with a
Therefore, wear respiratory protection at all times during brake
HEPA ?lter approved by NIOSH or MSHA, to minimize exposure.
servicing, beginning with the removal of the wheels . Wear a
When you replace a HEPA ?lter, wet the ?lter with a ?ne mist of
respirator equipped with a high-ef ?ciency (HEPA) ?lter approved by
water and dispose of the used ?lter with care.
NIOSH or MSHA, if the exposure levels may exceed OSHA or
manufacturers' recommended maximum levels. Even when
5. Worker Clean-Up. After servicing brakes, wash your hands before
exposures are expected to be within the maximum allowable levels,
you eat, drink or smoke. Shower after work. Do not wear work
wearing such a respirator at all times during brake servicing will help
clothes home. Use a vacuum equipped with a HEPA ?lter to vacuum
minimize exposure.
work clothes after they are worn. Launder them separately. Do not
shake or use compressed air to remove dust from work clothes.
6. Waste Disposal. Dispose of discarded linings, used rags, cloths and
HEPA ?lters with care, such as in sealed plastic bags. Consult
applicable EPA, state and local regulations on waste disposal.
Regulatory Guidance
References to OSHA, NIOSH, MSHA, and EPA, which are regulatory agencies in the United States, are
made to provide further guidance to employers and workers employed within the United States. Employers
and workers employed outside of the United States should consult the regulations that apply to them for
further guidance.
Issued 05-01
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