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![]() TM 9-2330-326-14&P
WHEELS). (continued)
If a bead expander is used, it shall be removed before the valve
If a tire on a vehicle is under-inflated but has more than 80% of
core is installed and as soon as the rim wheel becomes airtight
the recommended pressure, the tire may be inflated while the rim
(the tire bead slips onto the bead seat).
wheel is on the vehicle provided remote control inflation
equipment is used, and no employees remain in the trajectory
Tires may be inflated only when contained within a restraining
during inflation.
device, positioned behind a barrier or bolted on the vehicle with the
Tires shall be inflated outside a restraining device only to a
lug nuts fully tightened.
pressure sufficient to force the tire bead onto the rim ledge and
create an airtight seal with the tire and bead.
Tires shall not be inflated when any flat, solid surface is in the
trajec tory and within one foot of the sidewall.
Whenever a rim wheel is in a restraining device the employee
shall not rest or lean any part of his body or equipment on or
Employees shall stay out of the trajectory when inflating a tire.
against the restraining device.
Tires shall not be installed to more than the inflation pressure
After tire inflation, the tire and wheel components shall b
stamped in the sidewall unless a higher pressure is recommended
inspected while still within the restraining device to make sure
by the manufacturer.
that they are properly seated and locked. If further adjustment
to the tire or wheel components is necessary, the tire shall be
Tires shall not be inflated above the maximum pressure
deflated by removal of the valve core
recommended by the manufacturer to seat the tire bead firmly
against the rim flange.
Safe operating procedure--single piece rim wheels. The
employee shall establish a safe operating procedure for
No heat shall be applied to a single piece wheel.
servicing single piece rim wheels and shall assure that
employees are instructed in and follow that procedure. The
(12) Cracked, broken, bent, or otherwise damaged wheels shall not be
procedure shall include at least the following elements: before
reworked, welded, brazed, or otherwise heated.
the adjustment is made.
No attempt shall be made to correct the seating of side and lock
rings by hammering, striking or forcing the components while the
tire is pressurized.
Cracked, broken, bent or otherwise damaged rim components
shall not be reworked, welded, brazed, or otherwise heated.
Whenever multi-piece rim wheels are being handled, employees
shall stay out of the trajectory unless the employer can
demonstrate that performance of the servicing makes the
employee's presence in the trajectory necessary.
No heat shall be applied to a multi-piece wheel or wheel
(g) Safe operating procedure--single piece rim wheels. The
employee shall establish a safe operating procedure for servicing
single piece rim wheels and shall assure that employees are
instructed in and follow that procedure. The procedure shall include
at least the following elements:
OSHA has printed two charts entitled "Demounting and Mounting
Procedures for Truck/Bus Tires" and "Multi-piece Rim Matching
(1) Tires shall be completely deflated by removal of the valve
Chart", as part of a continuing campaign to reduce accidents
core before demounting.
among employees who service large vehicle rim wheels.
(2) Mounting and demounting of the tire shall be done only from
Reprints of the charts are available through the Occupational
the narrow ledge side of the wheel. Care shall be taken to avoid
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Area and Regional
damaging the tire breads while mounting tires on wheels. Tires
Offices. The address and telephone number of the nearest OSHA
shall be mounted only on compatible wheels of matching bead
office can be obtained by looking in the local telephone directory
diameter and width.
under U.S. Government, U.S> Department of Labor, Occupational
Safety and Health Administration. Single c pies are available
(3) Nonflammable rubber lubricant shall be a plied to bead and
without charge.
wheel mating surfaces before assembly of the rim wheel,
unless the tire or wheel wheel manufacturer recommends
Individuals, establishments and other organizations desiring single
against the use of any rubber lubricant.
or multiple copies of these charts may order them from the OSHA
Publications Office, U.S> Department of Labor, Room N-3101,
(4) If a tire changing machine is used, the tire shall be inflated only
Washington, DC 20210. Telephone (202) 219-4667.
to the minimum pressure necessary to force the tire bead onto
the rim ledge while on the tire changing machine.
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