TM 10-6640-238-13
Propane Storage Locker (23): Provides a secure, well-ventilated storage for propane cylinders.
Gas Cylinder Storage Locker (24): Provides secure storage for oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen cylinders.
Entrance, Machinery Room: (Sheet 2, Item 25): Used to gain access to Machinery Room. Located on the
curbside of trailer.
Fire Extinguisher (26): The three fire extinguishers are 5-pound, Halon, Type 1211 extinguishers. Two are
located in the laboratory and one in the mechanical room.
POWER PANEL NO. 2 (27): This panel is located in the mechanical room and contains circuit breakers that
supply power to the four environment control units, mechanical room lighting, convenience outlets, and all
electrically operated equipment located in the mechanical room.
ECU Duct Work (28): Used to direct air flow from ECU units throughout the interior.
Gas-Oil Distillation Units (29): There are two of these units. The right-hand unit is a gas oil unit and has an
immersion heater in its condenser. Both units are used to perform ASTM test method D-86.
Bookcases (30): Provide storage for manuals and other books.
Emergency Light Ballast Box (2): Contains components for turning emergency lights on when normal power is
lost, and for recharging battery when normal power is restored.
Water Still (31): An electrically heater portable still used to provide pure distilled water for use in laboratory.
Manometer (32): A dual-scale (psi and Hg) indicator which provides a means of accurately testing RVP gauges
before and after use.
Aneroid Barometer (33): The aneroid barometer is designed to meet the requirements of ASTM test D-86. It is
temperature compensated and graduated in both English and metric systems.
Reid Vapor Pressure Bath (RVP) (34): Used with Reid Vapor Pressure Bombs to perform ASTM tests D-323
and D-1267.
Pressure Recording Gauge (35): Provides a means to measure and record pressure changes in a system.
Changes are plotted against time. It is used in conjunction with the Oxidation Stability Bath.
Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Tester (36): A closed loop fuel system with pump circulation and nitrogen
pressurization used in performing ASTM test D-3241.
Oxidation Stability Bath (37): Used with Oxidation stability of Gasoline Bomb to perform ASTM tests D-525
and D-873.
Printer (38): A portable printer used to print test results.
Gas Detector (39): There are two Gas Detectors to monitor dangerous accumulation of gases in the laboratory.
Curbside Cabinets (40): Provide storage for equipment and supplies.
Flowmeter Kit (41): Kit consists of four flowmeters and housing with removable stand for countertop use or
with panel support mount. It is used to measure and calculate flow rate.
Grease Working Machine (42): Used to perform ASTM test D-217. It is hand operated.
Water Heater (43): Provides hot water to the system. It is an electric heater with a 6-gallon capacity.
Utility Bath (44): Used to perform ASTM test D-91 and D-1796. This is a constant temperature general
purpose bath.
Hot Plate (45): Used to warm test specimens.
Drain Tank and Sump Pump (46): The still, oxidation bath and distillation unit drain into this tank which
contains the sump pump. The sump pump discharges the tank’s contents into the water return line for re-