TM 10-6640-233-10
Table 2-2. Main Power Panel (cont.)
Control or Indicator
6. Circuit Breaker 6
Provides circuit protection for the Computer
Duct Heater.
7. Circuit Breaker 7
Provides circuit breaker protection for Environ-
mental Duct Heater.
8. Circuit Breaker 8
Provides power to Panelboard No.2.
9. Circuit Breaker 9
Provides circuit breaker protection for Computer
Power Regulator.
10. Circuit Breaker IO
Provides circuit breaker protection for Fume
Hood Light and Blower.
11. Circuit Breaker 11
Provides circuit breaker protection for Vacuum
12. Circuit Breaker 12
Provides circuit breaker protection for Utility
No. I and Emergency Light No. 3.
13. Circuit Breaker 13
Provides circuit breaker protection for Lights.
14. Circuit Breaker 14
Provides circuit breaker protection for Water
15. Circuit Breaker 15
Provides circuit breaker protection for Emer-
gency Lights No. 1 and 2.
16. Circuit Breaker 16
Provides circuit breaker protection for Fume
Hood Utility Receptacle.
17. Circuit Breaker 17
Provides circuit breaker protection for Oven.
18. Circuit Breaker 18
Provides circuit breaker protection for Cable
19. Circuit Breaker 19
Provides circuit breaker protection for Micro-
scope and Ferrograph.
20. Circuit Breaker 20
Provides circuit breaker protection for Air Com-
21. Circuit Breaker 21
Serves as a spare circuit breaker.
22. Circuit Breaker 22
Provides circuit breaker protection for the Spec-
23. Circuit Breaker 23
Serves as a spare circuit breaker.
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